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Banana snack industry goes stale

Not so long ago, the Central Java town of Majenang was famous for being the home of sale pisang, a unique snack made with bananas, but recently the market changed and the local snack industry faded to a fraction of its former success. Majenang, one of 23 districts in Cilacap regency in the far west of the province - bordering with Banjar and Ciamis regencies in West Java - has about 30 small factories producing the snack. Before the 1998 economic crisis, there were around 100 such producers, leading Cilacap administration to come up with the idea of making the snack the icon of Majenang. But with the crisis, the plan hit snags and many cottage industries were forced out of business. More than a decade later, the situation has yet to improve. "Before the crisis I could sell 2 or 3 tons of fried banana sweets to Jakarta. But things are difficult now," Yayat, a 61-year-old sale pisang business owner, told The Jakarta Post in Majenang. Today, Yayat produces only about 200 kilograms of sale pisang a month, and 99 percent of this is sold in Majenang. The snacks are sold in 250-gram packages, each costing around Rp 25,000 (US$2). Another snack producer, Juremi, said that before the crisis she could send 2 tons of sale pisang to Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya each month. "Now we only sell sale pisang for the local market," the 60-year-old said. Juremi said most of the snack producers were struggling to survive. "What's important is that business survives. If there are buyers in the city, that's enough. Sometimes we get an order from outside the city, but this is unreliable," she said. "Once, a distributor from outside the city wanted to place an order, but the price he offered was too low to cover our production costs. Rather than suffering losses, we preferred not to take it." Making sale pisang does not take long. Ripe bananas are cut into slices and dried in the sun. "If the sun is bright, the bananas will dry out in two days. But in a rainy season like this, it takes about four days," Juremi said. The dried bananas are then smeared with flour and deep-fried. After being drained, the banana chips are ready to be packaged and sold. The sale pisang business has supported many, including farmers and traders who sell raw bananas to cottage industries in Majenang, as well as banana snack makers such as Juremi and Yayat, and the vendors. Majenang district head, Heru Susedyo, said he was aware of the stagnant business situation. "Sale pisang was once so popular that the Cilacap administration planned to make it the icon of Majenang city, but the plan could not be realized because sales keep decreasing." http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/03/06/

Sunday, 14 December 2008

easy banana bread recipe

There are many people who suffer from tragic food allergies. However, some have no idea that they have. Food allergy is the result of the main body in response to the introduction of food that is difficult or can not be digested by the system. Once these types of foods are digested and penetrate into the blood, some of the food nutrients or food components are rejected by the body. The trend of antibodies and other items related to fight back. Then became obvious symptoms of allergy. Common symptoms of food allergies include swollen hands, itching and swollen eyes, burning sensations in the lungs due to thinning of the tissues lining and the closure of the larynx or throat.

Dealing with food allergies, whether the condition is mild, moderate or severe, you should learn. It involves studying the causes of allergic reactions, the best options for preventing and combating food allergies and for integration in the face of life is to avoid food allergies. The five-star book entitled food allergy Survival Guide is the best answer.

This book to discuss all kinds of foods eaten by people, and provides detailed accounts of how to deal with major allergens such as eggs, dairy products, gluten, or wheat, corn, peanuts, shellfish, fish and yeast. Each section includes explanations of the nature of the food which should be avoided by people allergic dealing with restaurants, making the type of food, reading labels correctly in relation to dangerous types of food, and incorporating easy and healthy alternatives.

Food allergy survival guide is extremely readable and comprehensive. Suffering from food allergies will never feel alone, because it helps them to expand their horizons and increase their hopes that they can still eat types of food they like if they follow proper cautions. This is a large book in which informative you can find common answers to common questions, real advice from experts on how to take advantage of learning health and food issues, complete nutrition guidelines and delicious recipes.

Food allergies Survival Kit for tackles important health issues, including food leads to effective ways to conduct skin testing to determine the sensitivity and allergies, how food allergies are related chronic diseases such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes and ADHD (Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder ), Changes in behavior and emotions after an allergic reaction, food, which directly affects the health of the baby when breast-feeding questions to be asked to allergist, using a revised form of food, how to distinguish between food sensitivity, food intolerance and food allergy, how immunological process is associated with food hypersensitivity, and how to maintain healthy eating type of food by non-allergic substitutes.

Surprisingly, the best part of this book is a recipe section with recipes completely free of the major allergens. It is easy to learn cooking and baking healthy type of food preserves flavor, texture and richness. Type of food must not become boring and flashily as you have food allergies. Feeding and watering trough mouth recipes are great as divine macaroons, banana bread, ultra fudge brownies, chocolate cake and pound cake. More than a hundred selected recipes without using a cheese expert Jo Stepaniak. Comprehensive analysis of food provided to each prescription, so never worry.

Compared with other books on dietary health, food allergy guide for survival is to lead. So if you're one among thousands of people who suffer from food allergies, you should consider buying this book. Knowledge, practices and medicines are in your hands. You can deal with food allergy with a positive and affirming Outlook.

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